    您所在的位置:总站首页 >企业旺旺 >冷水滩YJV-0.6/1kV1×95厂家价格


  • 公司:[永州]徽宁电器仪表集团有限公司
  • 价格:电联
  • 联系人:单经理18098334696
  • 发布时间:2024-09-19 10:05:58 浏览次数:1
  • 所在地:永州
  • 标题:冷水滩YJV-0.6/1kV1×95厂家价格
  • 来源: awwj
  • 冷水滩YJV-0.6/1kV1×95厂家价格
  • 冷水滩YJV-0.6/1kV1×95厂家价格
  • 冷水滩YJV-0.6/1kV1×95厂家价格

品牌一八〇 九八三三 四六九六
规格一八〇 九八三三 四六九六
冷水滩YJV-0.6/1kV1×95厂家价格,湖南省永州市徽宁电器仪表集团有限公司专业从事冷水滩YJV-0.6/1kV1×95厂家价格,联系人:单经理18098334696,电话:0527-88266888、18098334696,QQ:350162489,发货地:单经理18098334696铜城镇乔田社区乔坝路99号发货到湖南省 永州市 零陵区、冷水滩区、祁阳市、东安县、双牌县、道县、江永县、宁远县、蓝山县、新田县,以下是冷水滩YJV-0.6/1kV1×95厂家价格的详细页面。 湖南省,永州市 西汉元朔五年(前124年),始置泉陵侯国以来,永州已有2100多年的建制史,是国务院批复确定的历史文化名城,首批“全国禁毒示范城市”名单城市、森林城市,境内通过湘江北上可抵长江,南下经灵渠可通珠江水系,自古代便是重要的交通要塞,是湖南通往广西、海南、粤西及西南各地的门户;此外,还是怀素、黄盖、周敦颐、李达、陶铸等历史名人的故乡,有九嶷山、浯溪碑林、阳明山森林公园等4A景点。2021年1月29日,入选湖南省真抓实干成效明显的地区名单。



铜/XLPE/PVC YJV 12/20kv电力电缆
模型没有。YJV, YJLV
标准gb / T12706






1 x35 5.5 1.8 27 979 762≤0.524≤0.868 42 205 155 190 145
1×50 5.5 1.8 29 1155 846≤0.387≤0.641 42 245 190 225 175
1 x70 5.5 1.8 30 1393 959≤0.268≤0.443 42 305 235 275 215
1 x95 5.5 1.9 32 1681 1093≤0.193≤0.320 42 370 290 330 255
1 x120 5.5 2.0 34 1979 1236≤0.153≤0.253 42 430 335 375 290
1 x150 5.5 2.0 35 2301 1373≤0.124≤0.2.06 42 490 380 425 330
1 x185 5.5 2.1 38 2718 1573≤0.0991≤0.164 42 560 435 480 370
1 x240 5.5 2.1 40 3302 1817≤0.0754≤0.1525 42 665 515 555 435
1×5.5 2.2 43 3941 2084≤0.0601≤0.100 42 765 595 610 490
1 x400 5.5 2.3 45 4931 2455≤0.0470≤0.0776 42 890 695 725 565
1 x500 5.5 2.4 48 5956 2861≤0.0366≤0.0605 42 1030 810 825 650
1x630 5.5 2.5 49 7769 3863≤0.0283≤0.0469 42 1160 950 940 740
1x800 5.5 2.6 57 8945 3985≤0.0221≤0.0367 42 1440 1160 1080 870
1 x1000 5.5 2.7 61 10918 4718≤0.0176≤0.0291 42 1620 1520 1190 970
1x1200 5.5 2.9 65 12900 5460≤0.0151≤0.0247 42 1740 1450 1270 1060
3x35 5.5 2.6 57 3348 2696≤0524≤0.868 42 145 115 165 125
3×50 5.5 2.7 60 3904 2973≤0.387≤0.641 42 175 135 190 150
3 x70 5.5 2.8 63 4623 3321≤0.268≤0.443 42 220 170 235 185
3 x95 5.5 3.0 67 5593 3825≤0.193≤0.320 42 265 205 285 220
3 x120 5.5 3.1 71 6495 4262≤0.153≤0.253 42 305 235 320 250
3 x150 5.5 3.2 74 7637 4846≤0.124≤0.206 42 350 270 365 285
3 x185 5.5 3.3 78 8803 5361≤0.0991≤0.164 42 395 310 410 320
3x240 5.5 3.4 84 10729 6263≤0.0754≤0.125 42 470 365 410 370
3x300 5.5 3.6 89 12723 7141≤0.0601≤0.100 42 530 415 535 425
3x400 5.5 3.8 96 16207 8647≤0.0470≤0.078 42 615 485 605 480




0.6/1kv Single-core PVC insulated and sheathed power cable(VV,VLV) 0.6/1kv Single-core PVC insulated and sheathed power cable(VV,VLV)

   0.6/1kv Two-core PVC insulated and sheathed power cable(VV,VLV) 0.6/1kv Two-core PVC insulated and sheathed power cable(VV,VLV)

   0.6/1kv Three-core PVC insulated and sheathed power cable(VV,VLV) 0.6/1kv Three-core PVC insulated and sheathed power cable(VV,VLV)

 0.6/1kv (3+1) PVC insulated and sheathed power cable(VV,VLV) 0.6/1kv (3+1) PVC insulated and sheathed power cable(VV,VLV)

   0.6/1kv Four-core(equivalent crossection) PVC insulated and sheathed power cable(VV,VLV) 0.6/1kv Four-core(equivalent crossection) PVC insulated and sheathed power cable(VV,VLV)

   0.6/1kv (3+2) PVC insulated and sheathed power cable(VV,VLV) 0.6/1kv (3+2) PVC insulated and sheathed power cable(VV,VLV)
0.6/1kv (4+1) PVC insulated and sheathed power cable(VV,VLV) 0.6/1kv (4+1) PVC insulated and sheathed power cable(VV,VLV)

   0.6/1kv Five-core(equivalent crossection) PVC insulated and sheathed power cable(VV,VLV) 0.6/1kv Five-core(equivalent crossection) PVC insulated and sheathed power cable(VV,VLV)

   0.6/1kv Two-core PVC insulated steel tape armored PVC sheathed power cable(VV22,VLV22) 0.6/1kv Two-core PVC insulated steel tape armored PVC sheathed power cable(VV22,VLV22)

 0.6/1kv Three-core PVC insulated steel tape armored PVC sheathed power cable(VV22,VLV22) 0.6/1kv Three-core PVC insulated steel tape armored PVC sheathed power cable(VV22,VLV22)

   0.6/1kv Four-core(equivalent crossection) PVC insulated (steel tape armored)sheathed power cable(VV22,VLV22) 0.6/1kv Four-core(equivalent crossection) PVC insulated (steel tape armored)sheathed power cable(VV22,VLV22)

   0.6/1kv (3+1) PVC insulated steel tape armored sheathed power cable(VV22,VLV22) 0.6/1kv (3+1) PVC insulated steel tape armored sheathed power cable(VV22,VLV22)
0.6/1kv (3+2) PVC insulated steel tape armored sheathed power cable(VV22,VLV22)

   0.6/1kv (4+1) PVC insulated steel tape armored sheathed power cable(VV22,VLV22) 0.6/1kv (4+1) PVC insulated steel tape armored sheathed power cable(VV22,VLV22)

   0.6/1kv Five-core(equivalent crossection) PVC insulated (steel tape armored)sheathed power cable(VV22,VLV22) 0.6/1kv Five-core(equivalent crossection) PVC insulated (steel tape armored)sheathed power cable(VV22,VLV22)

 0.6/1kv Single-core sioplas insulated PVC sheathed power cable(YJV,YJLV) 0.6/1kv Single-core sioplas insulated PVC sheathed power cable(YJV,YJLV)

   0.6/1kv Two-core sioplas insulated PVC sheathed power cable(YJV,YJLV) 0.6/1kv Two-core sioplas insulated PVC sheathed power cable(YJV,YJLV)

   0.6/1kv Three-core sioplas insulated PVC sheathed power cable(YJV,YJLV) 0.6/1kv Three-core sioplas insulated PVC sheathed power cable(YJV,YJLV)
0.6/1kv Four-core(equivalent crossection) sioplas insulated PVC sheathed power cable(YJV,YJLV)

   0.6/1kv (3+1) sioplas insulated PVC sheathed power cable(YJV,YJLV) 0.6/1kv (3+1) sioplas insulated PVC sheathed power cable(YJV,YJLV)

   0.6/1kv Two-core sioplas insulated Steel Tape Armored PVC sheathed power cable(YJV22,YJLV22) 0.6/1kv Two-core sioplas insulated Steel Tape Armored PVC sheathed power cable(YJV22,YJLV22)

 0.6/1kv Three-core sioplas insulated Steel Tape Armored PVC sheathed power cable(YJV22,YJLV22) 0.6/1kv Three-core sioplas insulated Steel Tape Armored PVC sheathed power cable(YJV22,YJLV22)

   0.6/1kv Four-core(equivalent crossection) sioplas insulated Steel Tape Armored PVC sheathed power cable(YJV22,YJLV22) 0.6/1kv Four-core(equivalent crossection) sioplas insulated Steel Tape Armored PVC sheathed power cable(YJV22,YJLV22)

   0.6/1kv(3+1) sioplas insulated PVC sheathed power cable Steel Tape Armored(YJV22,YJLV22) 0.6/1kv(3+1) sioplas insulated PVC sheathed power cable Steel Tape Armored(YJV22,YJLV22)
3.6/6kv single-core XLPE insulated PVC sheathed power cable(YJV,YJLV)
0.6/1kv four-core(equivalent crossection) sioplas insulated PVC sheathed power cable Steel Tape Armored(YJV,YJLV) 0.6/1kv four-core(equivalent crossection) sioplas insulated PVC sheathed power cable Steel Tape Armored(YJV,YJLV)

   0.6/1kv Fvie-core(equivalent crossection) sioplas insulated Steel Tape Armored PVC sheathed power cable with Rated Voltage of 0.6/1KV(YJV22,YJLV22) 0.6/1kv Fvie-core(equivalent crossection) sioplas insulated Steel Tape Armored PVC sheathed power cable with Rated Voltage of 0.6/1KV(YJV22,YJLV22)

   0.6/1kv(3+2) Core Sioplas insulated PVC sheathed power cable With Rated Voltage of 0.6/1KV(YJV,YJLV) 0.6/1kv(3+2) Core Sioplas insulated PVC sheathed power cable With Rated Voltage of 0.6/1KV(YJV,YJLV)

 0.6/1kv(3+2) Core Sioplas insulated Steel Tape Armored PVC sheathed power cable With Rated Voltage of 0.6/1KV(YJV22,YJLV22) 0.6/1kv(3+2) Core Sioplas insulated Steel Tape Armored PVC sheathed power cable With Rated Voltage of 0.6/1KV(YJV22,YJLV22)

   0.6/1kv(3+2) Core Sioplas insulated PVC sheathed power cable With Rated Voltage of 0.6/1KV(YJV22,YJLV22) 0.

永州徽宁电器仪表集团有限公司是一家集 35kV及以下交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆科研、开发、制造、销售、出口为一体的现代化企业,公司多年来致力于 35kV及以下交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆的研发,现已成为 35kV及以下交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆行业可信赖的厂家。

永州徽宁电器仪表集团有限公司自成立以来产品不断更新,并以先进的加工设备和精湛的工艺严格的检验测试,为客户提供好的 35kV及以下交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆产品而取得用户的一致好评, 35kV及以下交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆产品远销全国各地及国外,产品深受广大客户的好评,我们愿以好的产品,好的售后服务,竭诚为中外客商提供。


  • 联系人:单经理18098334696
  • 手机:18098334696
  • QQ:350162489
  • 企业:[永州]徽宁电器仪表集团有限公司
  • 主营:永州35kV及以下交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆
  • 地址:[永州]单经理18098334696铜城镇乔田社区乔坝路99号
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